2024 International Sea Level Workshop

The International Sea Level Workshop aims at discussing sea level changes (past, present and future) at global, regional and coastal scales. Studies considering all possible data sources (in situ observations, remote sensing, numerical simulations) are welcomed to contribute. 


It will take place at Brest, France, from 4-6 June 2024. We plan to have an in-person meeting only.


Abstract deadline: 15 March 2024
Registration deadline: 15 April 2024


The program is available here (updated 30/05/2024).


Planet Earth is globally warming mostly due to human activities.  More than 90% of this energy has warmed the global ocean. The remaining has served to warm the atmosphere, the land and to melt both the land ice (ice sheets and glaciers) and floating sea ice. Global mean sea level rise is one of the most direct consequences of the actual global warming. This global rise is caused by ocean warming (known as thermosteric sea level) and the imports of fresh water from continents (i.e., ice sheets mass loss, mountain glaciers melting and land water change). Satellite altimetry data have revolutionized our knowledge on sea level changes because of the near global coverage. It has been shown that the global mean sea level trend experiences large regional variability. In addition to ocean warming and land ice imports, regional sea level changes are also sensitive to salinity changes, ocean circulation, atmospheric pressure, wind stress and air sea heat fluxes. These large-scale regional sea level changes may interact with the land throughout the coastal areas. 


The coastal areas are exposed to a large range of coastal hazards. Mean sea level rise will lead to flooding of the low-elevation coastal zones. Tropical cyclones or extra-tropical storms generate storm surges, causing devastating coastal flooding. For example, in 1970, Bhola cyclone hit Bangladesh coasts, killing 300 000 people, whereas in 2004, Hurricane Katrina hit severely the U.S. Louisiane and Mississipi coasts, killing 1 200 people. In the future, extreme sea levels are expected to increase, due to mean sea level rise. At the same time, the coastal areas are more and more densely populated. The number of people living in the low-elevation coastal zones could double between 2000 and 2060. In this context, it is essential to understand the sea level changes, in order to protect our coasts in the future.


Objectives of the workshop

The International Sea Level Workshop aims at discussing past, present and future sea level changes and its contributors, at global and regional/coastal scale, from all possible data sources (in situ observations, remote sensing, coupled/forced global/regional numerical simulations). The workshop will allow to present new results on sea level changes and to promote collaborations among actors. The workshop will focus on all the processes that contribute to sea level from subannual (high frequency processes such as tide, internal tide, storm surges, waves, infragravity waves, meteotsunamis, seiches, tsunamis…) to multi decadal changes (such as ocean heat content and freshwater content changes, freshwater imports from land, ocean circulation/transport, air sea interactions, etc…). Studies focusing on identifying and quantifying uncertainty in sea level change and its components are welcomed. The workshop will also welcome studies relative to innovative methods, allowing to detect changes in long-term time series.


Call for abstracts

Abstracts have to be submitted online before 15 March 2024. The final agenda will be available early April 2024.


Abstract guidelines

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, excluding the title, authors and their designations.



The workshop is organized by LOPS (Ifremer, CNRS, UBO, IRD). The workshop will benefit from supports of ISblue and LEFE-GMMC.


Organizing Committee

William Llovel, LOPS, CNRS (william.llovel@ifremer.fr)

Lucia Pineau-Guillou, LOPS, Ifremer (lucia.pineau.guillou@ifremer.fr)


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